Tag Archive for: scaling

The role of outbound approach in scaling – can you make it without?

MEETUP – Cold contacting, outbound efforts – a lot of founders, sales managers literally hate them, because it’s seen slow, providing low conversion – or don’t work at all, just burn money, time and motivation. What is the “truth-rate” of these statements? Is there a choice at all: can you scale and deliver an impressive growth to (also) your VC investor w/o an outbound approach, considering that your CEE local market is probably too small, so practically the name of the game is internationalization?

A skálázás reális időigénye vs. kockázati tőke időhorizont

MEETUP – Az idő a cégépítésben vitathatatlanul kulcsfontosságú tényező, amely különösen kockázati tőkebevonás esetén kap egy elég frusztráló csavart azzal, hogy felmerül a startup életciklus vs. kockázati tőke, megtérülési elvárások, és a VC időhorizont / exitkényszer problematikája. A VC befektetés horizontja ugyebár kb. 4-5 év (sokszor hosszabb is lesz). Mekkora a realitása annak, hogy ennyi idő alatt a tőkét kapott startupok is képesek elég nagyra nőni?

VCs in CEE 2019 – The scaleup journey

RENDEZVÉNY – Are you building a startup / scaleup and you are aspiring to become a regional or even global key player? Are you fundraising and want to meet international VCs, share your pitch deck with them and have the opportunity of an initial 1-on-1 meeting? If so, this event on 10th September 2019 is for you! We invite to Budapest and stage again international VCs and great CEE entrepreneurs to introduce you and share their experience, case studies and success stories – this time about the journey of scaling, challenges of global market entry, fundraising, and growing beyond CEE successfully.

VCs in CEE 2019 – The scaleup session

RENDEZVÉNY – Are you building a startup / scaleup and you are aspiring to become a regional or even global key player? Are you fundraising and want to meet international VCs? Or, are you simply interested in the investment and startup world of the CEE region? If so, this event on 26th March 2019 is for youVCs and entrepreneurs will share their experience, case studies, success stories, and discuss the challenges of global market entry and how to scale and grow beyond CEE successfully. We introduce again “new wave” of international VCs interested in the region.

VCs in CEE – Who’s next? International VC event

RENDEZVÉNY – Are you building a startup and aspiring to become a regional or even global key player? Are you fundraising and want to meet international VCs? Or, are you simply interested in the investment and startup world of the CEE region? If so, this event on 6th September 2018 is for you! We introduce you tomorrow’s industry scene, new international VCs willing to invest in CEE and Hungary. VCs and entrepreneurs will share their experience, case studies, success stories, and discuss the challenges of global market entry and how to grow beyond CEE successfully.