What to consider and how to build your own channel mix?

Building an effective sales engine in B2B is based on understanding the buyer journey of your different target segments, which needs to be translated into an omnichannel approach.

What to consider and how to build your own channel mix, how does it depend on the target segments and the complexity of the overall sales process? Insights from Michel Henss, tribe leader client services from Neticle and Nick Roberts, partnership manager from the sales technology company Cognism.

Skálázás, product-market-fit, metrikák, a mérés kihívásai

Product-market fit – sokszor hallunk róla a növekedés, skálázódás és befektetők témakörében.

De vajon honnan tudjuk, hogy ott vagyunk-e, elértük-e /megközelítettük-e a PMF-et, vagy mennyire eredményes a skálázódásunk?

Jó hír, hogy ez is mérhető, sőt, mérni és értékelni is kell, hogy a tisztább kép után a további lépéseket finomhangolhassuk (vagy új irányt szabjunk).

Ha tőkebevonást tervezünk, ezt a matekot bizony a befektető is el fogja végezni, és talán nem meglepő, hogy vonzóbb befektetési célpont lesz az a cég, ahol ezek a metrikák biztató eredményeket mutatnak.

Tánczos Péter, a Euroventures partnere osztotta meg ezzel kapcsolatos gyakorlatát ebben a rövid videóban.

Logiscool: Preparing business plan for a Series A round

Raising a Series A round without a well-prepared business plan – let’s put it like that – is a mission impossible.

What did Logiscool experience about that preparation before their 3.5M EUR Series A round from Euroventures? How long did it take? How do they see its benefit for themselves (beyond getting one step closer to a successful deal closing of course :))?

Learnings from Logiscool’s co-founder Gyula Csitári.

Féljünk-e a befektetési / adásvételi szerződések szankcióitól?

Legyen szó akár VC/PE befektetésről, akár cégeladásról, fontos mérföldkő, amikor a befektetési / adásvételi szerződés tervezetét a founderek / tulajdonosok kezükben tartják. Az izgalmat tovább fokozza az esetleg ijesztőnek tűnő feltételrendszer, biztosítékok és kilátásba helyezett szankciók – de mennyire eszik forrón azt a bizonyos kását? Mi történik a valóságban, ha probléma van, nem teljesülnek a vállalások, szerződésszegés, stb. történik?

Gyakori-e, hogy a befektetők élnek a szankciókkal vagy perre mennek, vagy inkább az üdvözítő megegyezés a cél? Kinek mi az érdeke ezen a téren? A hazai tranzakciós jog két ismert szakértője, Fehérváry Ákos (Baker McKenzie) és a hazai startup szcéna jól ismert jogásza, Bóné László ossza meg tapasztalatait erről.


The outbound sales approach – Who is it for and why is it important?

We regularly hear from founders that outbound strategy is not for them, it doesn’t work at all, etc.

Who is it for, in which industries / segments is it a must? Is there a choice at all: can you scale and grow significantly w/o an outbound approach?

When to start thinking in international outreach? Should it be on table if you see enough inbound leads in your pipeline?

Here we go with some clear statements from three different aspects, from the early stage investor Valeri Petrov, Eleven Ventures, from Michel Henss, growth engine builder for Neticle and partnership manager Nick Roberts from the USD 13M ACV sales technology company Cognism.

Later stage: the role of current investor in the next funding round. Can they be showstoppers?

What is the role of the current investor to make a portfolio company ready for a later stage – Series B/C investment? What attitudes are considered added-value for later stage investors? What could be red flag for them?
Experienced international investors with notable track records in later stage investments Chris Church from Kreos Capital and Karol Szubstarski from OTB Ventures shared their opinion at our Equity Thursday online meetup earlier this year.


How important is the current investor itself for the new investor in the next funding round?

How important is the investor you teamed up at your next funding round? Is good reputation and track record an automatic green light? Can investors with bad reputation kill the story?

Discussion of angel and early stage investors Peter Balogh, Antal Károlyi (HunBan) and Enikő Deák (Hiventures).

What is the contribution you can expect from your current investor at the next funding round?

What contribution can you expect from your current investor to the next round?

Partial or full commitment is the realistic expectation? How much does this level depend on investor’s background (or portfolio size), the stage and size of the round, or the size of the team? Why is it worth involving 3rd party professionals beyond a certain stage / deal size, what are their added value?

Peter Balogh, Antal Károlyi (HunBan) and Enikő Deák (Hiventures) on the stage again, sharing their experience and point of view.


How can the current investor support the preparation for the next funding round?

What support can you expect from your early stage investor during the preparation for the next round?

Is there any clear border between investor’s and founder’s role?  To what extent should an investor be operative, should he/she do the work instead of the startup? Why is it important to work very closely yet respect those borders?

Insights and opinions from Peter Balogh, Antal Károlyi (HunBan) and Enikő Deák (Hiventures)

How to consider market size in enterprise SaaS? The bottom-up approach

Investors prefer bottom-up approach in business planning, especially in sectors like enterprise SaaS.
Why so?

How to calculate the market size and assess your ACV (Annual Contract Value) to be on the right and real track? Why and how to consider the length of your sales cycle and required salesforce efforts in the context of those ACVs?

Guillaume Fournier, Credo Ventures and Henri Tilloy, Partech led us through their approach in bottom-up planning and market size assessment in 3 mins.