Market entry and growth strategy

Strategy is the key to a company’s success on both domestic and international markets: as you don’t travel to an unknown country without at least a basic concept, companies should not do so either without a well thought-over go-to-market strategy. But that does not necessarily mean it has to be a long boring document or you need several months contemplating about it. A good strategy is :

  • short and to-the-point: as it needs to contain the main elements that support a company’s management and shareholders to make quick decisions
  • actionable, as a strategy is worth as much as it is executed; therefore it needs to affect the every-day life of both startups and scale-ups and has to serve as a guide for everyone within the organisation

If you have your strategy already, but have a specific question for instance about your target market or competition, see how Absolvo can help you find the right answer!

Questions to consider when you are building a corporate strategy:


  • product/service, value proposition, a solution to a specific problem
  • USPs, differentiators: are they measurable, sustainable?
  • positioning of the product


  • target markets, industry segments
  • what is their pain/problem?
  • can we define a client persona (size, industry, maturity, etc.)?


  • who are your global and local competitors?
  • what are the substitutes for your products?
  • what are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • what is their strategy?


  • sales or marketing driven strategy?
  • marketing channels (online, content, social media, events, etc.)
  • sales channels: direct sales or via partners?

Strategy is the answer for the „HOW?”.

Absolvo’s experts help you to find the answer for

  • HOW to define your target (or beachhead) markets or segments?
  • HOW you will reach your potential customers?
  • HOW to set up a winning sales strategy (conversion, sales cycle, templates, processes, CRM, etc.)?
  • HOW to beat your competitors on your target markets?
  • HOW to find your potential target group?
  • HOW you should price your product on a certain market or for a given segment?

When it comes to strategy, there are two challenges for any company leader:

  • There are so many types of strategies (growth strategy, go-to-market strategies, sales and marketing strategies, market entry strategies) and there are many options for how to create them – Absolvo’s experts will pick the right tool to build your strategy!
  • Strategy is nothing without execution: we are ready to execute what we plan for your company; as we have taken part in the execution of numerous business strategies, we will only create an actionable and executable plan for you and not just papers and presentations.